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Nowadays the number of allergic, asthmatic and other respiratory diseases has increased.
Large quantities of pollutants causing allergy are present in our environment. Such harmful and irritating substances cause allergic and asthmatic shortness of breath.

It is important to improve our quality of life and to protect our respiratory system. The unpleasant symptoms can be reduced by means of an ultrasonic inhaler.     
For curing respiratory diseases vaporization by an ultrasonic humidifier is recommended. On the one hand, leaning over the appliance and inhaling the escaping vapour directly, or in a small room mist is produced from water by the humidifier, thus creating a salt chamber.
It is especially recommended for the treatment of patients suffering from catarrhal respiratory diseases or diseases accompanied with mucus difficult to expel (certain allergic diseases like hay fever) and for all types of coughing. It can also be used for prevention at any time.

The time of the inhalation cure is usually 10 days. Although on the first occasion inhalation can be accompanied by a slight throat irritating feeling, it will cease soon and the treatment will feel really good.  
Although the development of science and technology has enabled the invention of numberless new and effective drugs, based on the aforesaid we can state that well-tried natural treatments with a thousand-year history have their role to play even nowadays. 

People suffering from respiratory diseases requiring medical attendance should ask for their doctors’ opinions on inhalation in the salt chamber.