The approproate quantity and quality of sleeping is fundamental for our organisation.
It is essential for the proper regeneration of the nervous system, for performing physical and mental activities. Its lack reduces the attention and work performance; increased irritability and fatigue occur which is increasingly hampering everyday activity. Permanently exhausted condition greatly increases the risk of somatic diseases and mental decline.
It is hardly recommended to turn to a specialist if you experience the following:
it is hard for you to fall asleep
sleep is repeatedly interrupted by awakening, and it is difficult to get back to sleep again
sleep is continuous but awakening is too early
sleep walking
reduction of physical and/or mental performance
significant drop in concentration capacity
excessive daytime sleepiness
drowsiness, low energy and frequent struggles to stay awake during the day
sudden episodes of falling asleep
you wake up in the morning more tired than you went to sleep.
your lifestyle, your daily stress-load is above average
suffer from hypertension
if a screening for sleep apnea is required for your professional driving license.
Doctors in other medical fields (Neurology, Ear-Nose-Throat, Cardiology, Internal medicine) also send a large number of patients to our Sleep Medicine Department in order to help with our special diagnostic and professional background to investigate the causes of sleep disorders that make the patients’ daily life more and more difficult, thus enabling us to targeted healing.
Examinations/treatments carried out at our Institute:
Polisomnography sleep study with recorded video monitoring
Poligraphy sleep study
Screening for sleep apnea
Settings of Positive airway pressure treatment therapy (CPAP/BiPAP titration)
The above examinations can be requested following our somnology specialist examination.