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The endemic COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) affects 500,000 people in Hungary. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease essentially includes the concomitance of emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

90% of patients with COPD are smokers. However, this disease can be diagnosed amongst non-smokers as well, because not only environmental effects, air pollution and occupational hazards, but inherited, genetic factors also play a role in its developing.

COPD destroys the lungs insidiously, being undetected for a long time, causing only complaints usually when almost half of the respiratory capacity has been lost. Patients often attribute the initial slight and barely noticeable symptoms to their age, stubborn colds or infections, or a health consequence of smoking. Unfortunately, patients do not turn to a physician in time, so the professional treatment can be commenced only at a later stage.
Early detection should be the most important!

The simple and painless screening for COPD can detect the presence of the disease even at its early stage. When observing symptoms (e.g. chronic coughing in the morning, production of large amounts of mucus in the respiratory tract, shortness of breath with exertion), disease might be considered chronic in most cases. At this time you should not delay the screening examination!

During screening for COPD, our chief pulmonologist  takes a patient’s medical history, including symptoms, and carries out physical examinations and breath tests to diagnose the disease. (It is important to isolate, what causes the symptoms: COPD, asthma, respiratory allergy, or perhaps heart disease.) 

Slowing down the progression of the disease in patients with COPD should be started as soon as possible: our institute effectively applies the acupuncture treatment for stabilizing the condition of the patients and improving their quality of life.
We can do much to slow down the irreversible course of COPD if screening examinations, and treatments are carried out in time.

Mind your lungs! Do not wait until the shortness of your breath becomes permanent!