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The bases of our existence are oxygen and sunlight. Today’s civilized people suffer from anoxia. This means that the ability of blood to take a sufficient amount of oxygen from the lungs and carry it to the cells keeps worsening. Environmental pollution, stress, overfeeding and malnutrition, harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol, as well as infectious diseases or liver disturbances damage the oxygen supply of the cells. This leads to a general burdening and blocking of the tissues and so the forces necessary for self-healing are exhausted. 

Hematogenous oxidation therapy (HOT) is a harmless biological method which brings additional perfect quality oxygen into the organism. This leads to an extraordinary improvement of the flowing capacity of blood, cellular respiration, metabolic processes, and the blood supply of the tissues.

In which diseases is the application of the HOT recommended?

The ozone enriching the blood has antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal properties.  The oxygen generating from the ozone within the circulation improves the oxygen supply of areas with a poor circulation and can have an extremely beneficial effect on various processes of the immune system. As a result of this process, such substances, such messengers are released from the white blood cells which can affect the actual state of inflammations and thus an immunomodulatory therapy takes place. This is why own blood therapy is very suitable for easing the symptoms of pollen allergy, as well as in the treatment of the circulatory disorders of the coronary or cerebral vessels and the limb veins, in particular, vasoconstriction in the legs,  as well as everywhere where cell respiration is insufficient due to symptoms of wear and tear and vasoconstriction.
At the same time, HOT is a supporting and concomitant therapy in the case of all chronic inflammatory and chronic degenerative diseases. In the case of organic lesions (e.g. liver or kidney), metabolic disorders (e.g. gout) as well as articular lesions (arthrosis), the complaints can be treated efficiently and durably by this therapy.

What happens during the intervention?

If you wish to undergo hematogenous oxidation therapy in the interest of your health, whether or not you are suitable for the treatment will be decided during a preliminary examination. The assistant carrying out the therapy draws about 100 ml of blood from the vein of the arm. The blood is enriched with 100% medical oxygen and illuminated in a special instrument by a special ultraviolet illuminant. The blood thus refreshed and activated is returned into the organism.
It is recommended to use the treatment at least on 10 occasions because the circulation of blood in the diseased tissues improves only gradually.
It is recommended to repeat the therapy several times a year so that the patient’s own blood may exert its healing and preventive effect.
Own blood therapy can be applied from the age of 14.


  • Haemophilia

  • Blood clotting disturbances

  • Taking of anticoagulant drugs

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Susceptibility to thrombosis

  • Pregnancy

  • Light sensitivity

  • Immunosupressive drug therapy

  • Chronic cholecystitis

  • Chronic appendicitis