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A légzésfunkciós vizsgálatok közül a spirometria a legalapvetőbb fontosságú műszeres vizsgálat a betegségek pontos diagnosztikájában, illetve súlyossági fokozatuk megállapításában.

From among the respiratory function tests spirometry is the most significant regarding the exact diagnosis of the diseases and the determination of their degree of gravity.
By means of this instrumental measurement the lung function can be judged: lung volumes (static spirometry) or their changes in time or compared to one another (dynamic spirometry). From the test values the specialist can draw conclusions on the volumes of the parts of lungs taking part in respiration as well as on the capaciousness or stricture of the respiratory tracts.
By means of the spirometry test a lot of respiratory diseases can be detected before the development of more serious symptoms. It is also suitable for monitoring the progress of the disease and the efficiency of the treatment.
Contraindications: If you have any of the following health problems the test cannot be carried out:
  • acute respiratory infection within the preceding 2 weeks
  • serious ischemic heart disease
  • serious cardiac arrhythmia.
Preparations for the examination:
  • smoking is forbidden within 4 hours preceding the examination
  • the patient should not consume heavy food, coffee or coke within 2 hours before the examination
  • the patient should avoid physical exercise and the inhalation of cold air within 2 hours preceding the examination
  • the patient should relax for at least 15 minutes
  • taking of the following drugs should be suspended if the examination is carried out for diagnostic purposes:
    • Beta-sympathomimetic agents, anticholinergic agents, cromoglycate, nedocromil and leukotriene receptor antagonists should be avoided for 1 to 3 days
    • Combined theophylline preparations, cough-relievers for 1 day
    • Corticosteroids: they have a long term effect and are difficult to evaluate (for weeks). Do not start a regular corticosteroid therapy before diagnosing asthma.
  • it is advisable to carry out the control tests always at the same time of the day if possible.
During the test the patient breathes through the special instrument called spirometer by means of a single-use tube, according to the instructions. The test takes about 30 minutes.