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Osteoporosis is a disease of the bony system characterized by the reduction of bone mineral density, the damage of the bone structure and the fragility of the bones. It is also called the “silent epidemic” as it does not involve painful symptoms but the bones break more easily. The slow and gradual decrease of the density of the bones – which means the gradual emptying of the mineral content – is a natural process. It begins approximately from the age of 40 and affects a large number of people. It develops in one out of three women and in one out of four men. As it can worsen the quality of one’s life drastically, special attention has to be devoted to it and it has to be checked by regular screening examinations.
The so-called DEXA technique applied at ORMOS Institute is one of the most up-to-date procedures characterized by extremely low radiation load, high measurement accuracy and quickness. The examination is safe and it does not cause any pain and lasts only for a few minutes.
A treatment started in time can prevent the development of serious complaints and it can slow down or, in some cases, even reverse the process. This is why regular screening and consultation is very important.