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Proctology is a field in medicine dealing with the examination and treatment of rectum and anus disorders.

Due to sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits rectal complaints have become endemic nowadays. 
We recommend visit our Proctology Department if you observe the following symptoms:
  • anal or rectal pain; pricking, stinging, pressure, itching sensation,
  • blood in stool,
  • difficulty in defecation,
  • protrusion of the walls of the rectum through the anus (rectal prolapse),
  • anal fissure,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • co-occurance of the following symptoms: fever, rectal pain, stimulus to defecate and urinate, red swollen area around the anus and mucosa, anal discharge.
 During proctology examination our specialist will review the patient’s medical documentation, and ask about the patient’s complaints. After this the physical examination procedures will follow: manual examination (DRE), then instrumental examinations, if necessary: anoscopy, rectoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy (following the necessary preparations). 

DRE (digital rectal examination)

During the examination the specialist gently puts a lubricated gloved finger of one hand into the rectum. In order to enable the examination to be less uncomfortable for the patient, relaxing muscles – overcoming modesty- is very important.  Since almost one third of the colorectal malignancies are situated in the rectum, this is why DRE has particular importance.

Anoscope is a cone-shaped, instrument that contains a light source, providing visualization of the bottom 3-4 cm part of the colon (anal canal). This painless examination allows the doctor to inspect the condition of internal hemorrhoids, and the possible presence of polyps or malignancies.

Rectoscopy (the inspection of the terminal of the large intestine)

Rectoscopy is the inspection of the terminal of the 20-25 cm part of the large intestine using a rigid scope. During the examination some air is pumped into the rectum by a hand pump in order to provide a circular review of the intestinal wall. Patients report only minimal inconveniences or discomfort.


Partial inspection of the large intestine from the rectum through the last part of the colon using a flexible, fibre-optic device. Sigmoidoscopy is of great diagnostic importance, because the two thirds of the colon and colorectal cancer cases are developing in this section.

Colonoscopy (endoscopic examination of the colon (large intestine)

Examination of the whole colon (rectum, sigmoid, colon, and the area where small and large intestine meet), generally we carry it out under sedation, applying narcotic painkiller injection. The record of the video-endoscope is supervised on a screen by the examining physician. During the examination in addition to the diagnostics, a therapeutic intervention can be performed (polyp removal, bleeding mitigation, histological sampling).

For treating diseases that has been detected during the examination our specialist can offer various medicated or surgical solutions, or treatment.

Noone should have to suffer from unpleasant, painful symptoms! Complaints can be ceased easily and quickly in many cases.

DO NOT FORGET! Behind the proctology symptoms a malignant disease might stand. Early diagnosis can save lives!