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As long as your vision is fine, you do not wondering of how much freedom you have.

Due to aging the eyes will vary in a natural way, but the lifestyle may significantly accelerate the intensity of the destruction. We do not protect our eyes sufficiently either from the harmful environmental impacts (e.g. solar radiation, cigarette smoke, dust, wind, smog), either we do not protect the health of our eyes at our workplace or at home (excessive use of monitor, TV; poor lighting conditions).

Let us observe the alarm cry of our eyes: the burning, red and dry eye, headache, blinking! Let’s take care of the examination and healing of our eyes immediately!
At our Ophtalmology Department we can quickly and accurately diagnose the various eye conditions using up-to-date ophtalmic instruments.
During the examination inflammations, lesions and minor injuries can be treated immediately, but in some cases multiple treatment might be necessary.
Ophtalmologic screening of some chronic disease we consider important as they do not cause any complaint in the initial stage: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration. After establishing the diagnosis in order to avoid severe visual impairment taking regular (sometimes even years-long) medical care of the patients is needed.
In addition to the above we offer a wide range of examinations for the patients with visual impairment, visual disturbances, problems with eyeglasses; patients sent by other specialists; patients requiring a specialist medical opinion for a driving license, work fitness examinations (e.g. flying), or work in front of a screen.