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Two groups of lasers had been used in medicine for decades:

– Low-power (soft) lasers

– High-power hard (surgical) lasers

Soft laser beam is used in physical therapy. Due to its numerous positive biological effects its use is widespread now. Its scientifically recognized benefit is that - as a result of the treatment - not only the symptoms will release but it has a favourable effect to the outcome of the underlying disease as well. Its most significant medical effects: alleviation of inflammation, pain relief, biostimulation, stimulation of revascularisation, reduction of muscular tension, improvement of antibody production and microcirculation, enchancement of transport processes through cell membranes, reduction of oedema, acceleration of wound healing.
It has no side effects, painless, it does not cause allergy, there is no warming or irreversible visible lesions in the tissues, cells suffer no damage. It may be repeated several times. In order to insure the effectiveness of the treatment it is usually combined with other treatment methods. The specialist decides the possible combinations: the most frequently used treatment is cryotherapy. Depending on the condition the frequency and the duration of the prescribed treatments will vary. In certain cases laser therapy is contraindicated (pigmented birthmarks, skin infections, thyroid, endocrin organs, breasts, malignant tumors, malignant lesions, febrile illness of unknown origine, in the area of the pregnant uterus).