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The so-called „endovascular varicose vein surgeries” started 15 years ago in the United States and they became available in Hungary almost a decade ago. This technique made a significant difference in the lives of the patients suffering from varicose veins. Instead of the earlier surgery with large incisions and scars a painless surgery providing excellent aesthetic results has appeared on the palette which does not require a hospitalization - since closure of the trunk may be carried out under local anaesthesia instead of removal of the trunk (so called stripping)-. Following the surgery patient can immediately go home on his own feet, thus – with a few exceptions (e.g. overweight patients with several concomitant illnesses) – it makes the application of anti-coagulant injection unnecessary.

Prior to the surgery our vascular surgeon specialist carries out a detailed examination including a Duplex ultrasound examination for checking the condition of superficial-, deep veins and arteries. On the basis of the above he makes recommendation for the necessary treatments, discusses the further steps with the patient and schedules the surgery on request.