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Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is a modern and effective pain relief method for killing tendon, ligament, joint, muscle and bone pains.
Shock wave is an acoustic wave, carrying energy to the painful area. This energy stimulates the recovery and the regenerative and repair processes in bones and soft tissues.
It is a solution without medication! A minimal pain and some side effects (e.g. redness, small swelling) may occur during the treatments.
Based on proven medical results the new technology has more than 80% efficiency. Depending on the diagnosis noticeable results might be seen following 5 to 10 treatments; the pain reduction will consistantly remain in the long term.

Most common medical indications:

  • chronic shoulder-, arm-, neck-, and back pain

  • tennis- or golf-elbow

  • patellar tendinitis

  • anterior tibialis tendonitis

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • foot- and heel pain, spur

  • painful spasm and pain in gluteal muscle

  • sequelae of muscle sprain

  • sports injuries