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It primarily helps accelerate healing, but its other positive effects (relief of pain, reduction of inflammation, muscle relaxation, enchancing joint mobility, reduction of oedema) are not negligible. Due to the above characteristics cryotherapy is often used in the functional rehabilitation, since it may decrease the regeneration time by even 20 %.

During cold air therapy (or cryotherapy) treatment the cooled air is blown to a certain, well-defined area of the body for a short time (from a few seconds to a few minutes). Cryotherapy is carried out locally (not in a chamber!).
In order to increase the efficiency, cryotherapy is used combined with other therapies (e.g laser therapy) in case of musculoskeletal diseases or pain management.

As almost all intervention, cryotherapy has also some contraindications. Carrying out a treatment is prohibited in the following cases: vasculitis; allergy to cold; children; elderly or deteriorated patients with cachexia.

Cryotherapy treatment can be applied following a preliminary specialist examination and recommendation only!