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Nowadays there are more and more so-called diseases of civilization. According to authentic surveys, every second person has intestinal complaints. The consumption of foods containing an insufficient amount of fibres and vitamins but more and more animal protein and preservatives means a considerable burden for the digestive system. This is primarily true regarding the colon on the folds of which waste materials can easily be deposited thus rendering the normal absorption of nutrients more difficult. Did you know that as much as 2 to 3 kg of waste materials can accumulate in the intestinal tract?
The consumption of meals poor in fibres but rich in fat and animal protein and improperly prepared and combined and not chewed thoroughly as well as overeating lead to the decomposition of the healthy composition of the intestinal flora. Leftovers, which were difficult to digest or not digested at all, can be deposited in the colon and start rotting and fermenting. Harmful micro-organisms spread and inhibit the operation of useful bacteria performing tasks of defence. Metabolism worsens and the rotting leftovers can lead to clogging and the toxins produced during the harmful processes can “easily” make you ill!
The solution could be a well-balanced mixed diet containing a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and fibres, however, today’s stressful and hectic lifestyle and the eating habits fashionable nowadays make it more and more difficult. Our organism is no longer able to neutralize the toxic and chemical substances consumed day by day, which accumulate in our cells, blood and organs and can cause various diseases.
70% of our defence system is in the intestinal walls as the intestinal tract is the largest contacting surface between our internal world and the outside world. This is why, in addition to a proper, natural and moderate diet, it is essential to regularly detoxify the organism, cleanse the intestines burdened with deposits and relieve them from the burdens.
Why to choose colon hydrotherapy?  
One of the most efficient forms of intestinal cleansing is colon hydrotherapy. The whole colon is cleansed and rinsed with alternating hot and cold water. The aim is to relieve the colon from the deposited faecal residues, decomposition products and toxins, which burden the whole organism and can lead to the development of serious diseases.
The process of colon hydrotherapy
During cleansing the patient is lying on his/her back meanwhile a finger-thick tube is led into the colon in a depth of a few centimetres. Water is led into the colon and the water full of faecal residues also leaves through this tube. A control window enables the operator to monitor the emptied substance. The assistant helps the process of treatment by a mild abdominal massage which helps in the removal of the deposits. The whole process is a closed system, that is, odourless and dry and not burdensome for the patient. Colon hydrotherapy enables a so far incredibly intensive and thorough cleansing and healing of the colon.
After the treatment the patient feels as if he/she has got rid of a burden having been carried for years – and this is meant in the strictest sense of the word. In addition to affecting the patient’s state of health, the deposited faecal matter burdens the patient mentally as well because, having got into the organism, the toxins can cause fatigue and depression. And, last but not least, our stomach will be much flatter.
Usually, it is necessary to repeat the therapy as a cure, on several occasions, depending on patient’s state of health and symptoms. For three months after the treatment the taking of probiotics (preparations containing beneficial intestinal bacteria) is recommended to restore the intestinal flora. In certain cases it is worth combining colon hydrotherapy with » reflexology and » acupuncture, in the interest of an even more efficient detoxification.
When is colon hydrotherapy necessary?
  • to increase the efficiency of diets, cleansing cures and fasting cures
  • general detoxification
  • functional disturbances of the colon (chronic constipation, diarrhoea)
  • smaller protrusions of the intestines (diverticulosis)
  • in the stationary phases of chronic enteritis (colitis ulcerosa, Crohn’s disease)
  • headache, migraine
  • distension, flatulence
  • permanent nervousness, fatigue, exhaustion, depression
  • bad breath resulting from colon problems (gases absorbed in the colon and exhaled through the lungs)
  • rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis
  • certain biliary diseases
  • allergy, asthma, hay fever
  • loss of hair
  • tooth decay, gingivitis
  • osteoporosis
  • joint problems
  • metabolic diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism)
  • candidiasis and other fungal infections
  • parasitic infections
  • to prepare for intestinal mirroring and operations
  • for half a year after operations and internal injuries arising from accidents
  • stoma
  • acute intestinal obstruction
  • hernia (abdominal, umbilical, inguinal)
  • acute phase of chronic  inflammatory bowel diseases
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • gastrointestinal tumours
  • bleeding haemorrhoids
  • febrile illnesses
  • decompensated heart diseases
  • pregnancy, breast feeding
  • tendency to loss of consciousness, fainting, spasm
  • epilepsy
  • severe mental disorders
  • certain congenital developmental anomalies