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Az allergiai vizsgálat szakorvosi vizsgálato(ka)t követően történik, a páciens által elmondott panaszok függvényében.

Allergy is hypersensitiveness which means that something has been disturbing the relationship between man and nature. Our immune system is protecting itself against the attacks of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. In the case of allergy, however, the immune system also starts the protective mechanism of our organism on the effect of harmless substances (such as dog hair, house dust mite, pollen, mould fungus, etc.), which is manifested in allergic complaints and its consequences cause pathological symptoms and diseases. Allergy has almost become an endemic disease by now without regard for children and adults. Taking possession of the organism it can change the patient’s quality of life to a frightful extent. It is a frequent problem that patients underestimate their allergic symptoms and consult the doctor due to their complaints rather late.