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Acupuncture is a science with a past of several thousand years. Western medicine took notice of it in the 70’s as a possibility of pain relief after the WHO had recognized it as an official cure. Groups of diseases that can be treated by acupuncture are those of the spinal joint, the ear-nose-throat, the digestive system, the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular and the urogenital systems.  
By acupuncture haematopoiesis can be influenced, the immune system, the circulation of the blood, metabolism and hormone secretion can be stimulated, and functional disorders of vegetative origin of the organs can be treated. Its main advantage is that it has no side effects. By acupuncture we improve function and relieve pain which is a remarkable achievement in most cases. As a consequence of the needle treatment endorphins are released which means that the serum level of the organism’s own pain relief substances increases as well. We do not only treat the complaints but try to terminate the cause of the disease.